learning solutions

Learning Solutions

Training has specific goals of improving capability, capacity, productivity and performance by developing skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies.




Each assessment is unique because it is dependent on the culture of the organization as well as the specific requirements of the role for which candidates are being assessed.

HR Consultation

HR Consultation

Human resources development services, aim to assist companies to develop an effective Human Resources Management System.


Team building

Team Building

Team-building activities have a positive impact on employees Communication, Collaboration, Efficiency, Quality of work, and Morale.



Is your Team Ready?

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Experiential learning
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Interactive Learning
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Online learning solutions
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Experiential learning

Is your Team Ready?

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Online learning solutions

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Interactive Learning
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Time Management

Efficient managing time is always a priority. Yet most people waste precious minutes, hours or even days reacting to what is going on around them.

Figures Talk

Companies in every industry can benefit from quality data analysis. The insights that data analysts bring to an organization are valuable to management who are willing to respond to the findings and better address problems, meet demand and satisfy their customers or clients.

Some of Our Clients

LHTC Clients

What people say about us

I would like to acknowledge & praise the quality of service that Light House Training & Consultancy (LHTC) has provided to us through the different development programs.

Soha AbdelRahman

Group L&D director Elsewedy Electric Group

I have never expected to get such a great chance to cooperate with Light house (LHTC) to get such great outcomes.
Really very much appreciated.

Hady Barakat

Director at Samsung Electronics Egypt

Who We Serve



schools and universities

Schools & Universities



